Jan 26- Celebrate founder and executive director, Kori, on her birthday, by supporting the rescheduled December end of year clean up for Adopt-a-Hwy

December 26- launch New Year New You Raffle 

December 14 end of year trash pick up for Adopt a Highway RESCHEDULED JAN 26 RAIN OUT

ALL OCTOBER https://chng.it/y2n7sHBCQX SIGN THE PETITION to help update crosswalk safety for good ol LULING! Keep our kids safe!  Contact Luling ISD to join their NEWLY FORMED brigade of crossing guards!

October 1-16 enter the Hunter's Moon raffle to win a set of camping cast iron! $5 tickets, draws Oct 17, contact info on home page

October 17- drwawing for Hunters moon raffle

October 20- A Painted Pumpkin one yr anniversary

October 31- no event this year, join us next year for our Halloween ball and garden wine auction

May 31 LIL GROWERS! Don't forget to submit a pic for May!!! Weigh-in June 30, Sunday of Watermelon Thump


June 22 2nd ANNUAL MIDSUMMER HALLOWEEN!  Luling TX, Longer Park, Register for first pumpkin growing contest to be judged oct 31.  Free hot dogs, family event, kids all ages welcome, bounce house, spooky music, fun, costume contest, and more!